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Manifesting is the law of attraction. Through manifesting we can intentionally create what we desire. We are taught that we need to work hard to get what we want or that fate is already decided for us. Therefore what we want or need is out of our hands. The truth is the power to manifest is within each of us and each one of us can manifest.
By learning the secrets of manifesting you can begin to change first your thoughts and then your life. Remaining focused and subconsciously aware of your desires will help lead the way. It is important to know how to use your manifesting powers correctly because we not only manifest our desires but our fears as well.
People are often unconsciously manifesting fears as these thoughts have strong power and can flood our mind and energy. Therefore it is important to know exactly how to manifest so your fears don’t become a reality.
Everything that happens in your life is a reflection of what is happening inside you and the experiences you are having in this present moment. When we focus on a particular part of our life, be it good or bad we give those thoughts energy. That energy grows and grows to attract things of a similar vibration into your life. Think of it as your thoughts being a magnet to your desires. Whatever energy you send out is what energy will come back to you.
Not everything we think about manifests into our reality. For example thinking of a giraffe appearing in your back yard will not make it happen in real life. The speed at which your thoughts manifest will depend on how much unconscious resistance you have to it appearing in your own reality. This energetic resistance is why no matter how much you think about what you want is doesn’t instantly appear.
Learning to manifest is learning how to remove the resistance in your thoughts. As this energetic resistance lessens our desires appear faster. The key to removing resistance starts with learning to trust.
True manifesting isn’t about wishing for material things like a Ferrari. It is about receiving what is of the highest good for you to grow spiritually. You may have experiences where you attract exactly what you want but always trying to control this energy to get what you want materialistically is not the goal of manifesting. For example, you may want a promotion at work and your desire for this may be so strong that you block an even better opportunity coming your way.
Remember, there is a plan greater than your own. When you surrender to the energy of manifesting and you trust your inner voice to guide you the world will be your oyster.
Below are some life skills and habits you can create that will help you manifest.
You are forever
The first step to learning how to manifest is to believe you are more than just your body. In fact you are an infinite being having a temporary human experience. Think of your experiences on earth as one of the many you will experienced. This will allow you to see yourself as a thread in the tapestry of your own infinite eternal learning. The goal is to see yourself as eternal being that is authentic in your current journey.
Be conscious of what you are thinking
Becoming a person that thinks positive thoughts and behaves in a ethical kind and considerate way will help keep your thoughts kind and compassionate. The idea here is that what you think you create and what you do you receive. If you think about being more generous and caring than the universe will return the same energy to you. The opposite is also true. If you think you will struggle in a new relationship than that is what you will attract.
You need to master your own thoughts and feelings as they become your reality, so watch out for negative thought patterns. As these negative thoughts arise observe and recognize them as something that no longer serves you and release them out of your mind by simply shifting your thoughts to something else that is positive. In time your mind will create less and less of the negative thought patterns and you will master this vital manifesting.
What you wish for has already been granted
Whatever you wish for has already happened. Believing that your deepest desires and wishes have already been fulfilled will energetically attract these into your life. Holding thoughts of gratitude regarding these desires will transmute the energy of wanting into energy of receiving and allow energy to flow to you. Meditation will help your mind stay connected to thoughts of gratitude attracting positive energy.
Let your imagination run free
By letting your imagination run free you disconnect from societies conditioning allowing yourself to move your thoughts outside of the idea of what is and into what can be. If you want to improve your life through manifesting than you have to change your belief systems. Holding the ideas and thoughts “This is my life”, “it’s just the way things are”, “There is nothing I can do”, “my life is so hard” and so forth will attract challenges and struggles into your reality.
Changing your belief systems to positive thoughts will in turn allow you to expand your imagination. Hold the thoughts “I am perfect”, “I am loved”, “I am happy” , “I have all that I need” and watch the magic flow to you.
Your thoughts are your reality so reconstruct your “I Am”
The quiet thoughts that you dwell on are powerful. To reconstruct your the belief systems of who you are, simply reconstruct the things you think you lack or desire. Say to yourself “I created all of this with my thoughts, conditionings, beliefs and actions.”
One by one look at all the things in your life that you believe defines you and imagine yourself shifting from “I am not” or “I have not” to “I hope to become" and eventually to “I am”. There is a gap between the thoughts of “I am not” to “I am” therefore spending time thinking and wishing to ‘become’ what you desire is an important step to the final thoughts of ‘I am.’
Be patient and confident that you can do this
Activating your imagination can be hard to do for some people and that is ok. Learning the process of manifesting is not easy. You are re-training your mind to think a different way. This will take time, patience and many attempts before you succeed. Don’t be disheartened when you don’t succeed at first.
Remove doubt and replace this with faith and create a power within you that goes beyond your physical reality. When you trust yourself, you don’t look to others for solutions to life's problems. Trusting yourself to manifest your desires is the foundation of successful manifesting and the law of co-creation.
Believe the divine power of god is your own
Most spiritual teachers encourage us to see ourselves without limits. The divine power of God energy is within each of us. If you disconnect from the idea that this energy is outside of you and only accessible via religion you can create a new destiny where what you dream is what you create.
Support thought and feelings of a wish fulfilled
When your doubt falls away you can begin to feel like have your dreams come true is possible. Think about what you desire and what you want to manifest and focus your energy on one idea at a time. Using your imagination, explore what it would feel like having this dream come true. Does it feel natural to you? Does it feel like it is what you want and need? By focusing only on your senses you can gauge if this desire is vibrationally right for you.
Notice how natural your dreams feel to you
The time it takes for your dreams to become your reality is directly related to how naturally this wish will fit into your life. The more natural and effortless the desire feels for you than the faster you will create this as your reality. The opposite is also true. The less natural a desire feels than the more resistance your desire will receive, and the longer it will take to become your reality.
The key word here is “feel.” If for example being single feels unnatural for you then manifesting for a relationship will be harder to achieve. You may in fact need to use your imagination more here to make this feeling stick and more natural.
Only focus on your own thoughts not those of others
Listening to the opinion of others on what to believe, think or do is something most of us do. When you trust yourself you don’t allow external influences to sway your thoughts. Instead place your focus and trust on yourself and make your own dreams a reality.
Do not create questions as part of your desires
It is important to not question or query the your thoughts as you manifest. You need to be certain of your desires and visualize or write down the statements with an exclamation point at the end of the sentence. For example, “I am healthy!”, “I bring this into my reality!” Being confident that your desires will manifest in to your reality.
Choose your reality with love
Manifesting from a place of selfish desire or potential suffering invokes the ego. The ego is focused on the material world, winning, being better than others, being stronger than others, achieving recognition, being adored from others, climbing the corporate ladder, becoming wealthy and so on are all material manifestations.
The key to achieving your desires is to make sure they are created and manifested with love and for your higher good. Whenever you wish and desire for something ask yourself if your desire is created in love and harms no one. It is ok to wish for wealth but what will you do with this if it happens? How will it improve your life and the life of those around you?
Believe what you have is already enough
Ironically when you stop wanting more your vibration shifts and you begin to attract more of what you need into your life. Try to feel gratitude for everything you have in this moment and know this is enough before you desire and ask for more.
Manifesting can becomes a part of your everyday life. With positive loving thoughts you will naturally manifest new opportunities. When you meditate manifesting becomes easier. You will learn to manage the circumstances of your life and participate freely in the act of creating without moving a finger. You literally become an expert without lifting a finger.
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