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Angels are an integral part of our human existence. They are found across all religions and there are stories of angel encounters throughout history.
Angels are pure spiritual beings that connect us to the divine. Angels are an extension of the divine energy we call god and have always existed. They are helpers, guides, healers, protectors, teachers, messengers, and comforters. They are always around us.
The English word "angel" comes from the greek angelos, which means 'messenger'. Angels are always communicating with us but sometimes these messages are hard to understand.
If we pay close attention, we can sometimes receive the guidance of angels to help us overcome life’s obstacles. Most angels aren’t seen but they are felt. They will often leave messages for us, so we know they are with us. Signs that an angel is with you can be very subtle or very prominent.
Finding feathers in a strange place or directly in your path, see repeat numbers, hear songs on the radio about angels or what is on your mind, feeling a slight breeze when no wind is present, hearing bells or chimes, seeing a flash of light, feeling comfort and warmth run over you or sometimes feel a presence around us. If you have experienced any of these when you were questioning if an angel is around most likely they were.
When we open our hearts and our minds to the possibility of hearing these messages, we feel that we are not alone, we are protected, and we are guided. Angel type beings take care of all living things. There are angels whose role it is to care for animals, nature and the plant kingdom.
Angels respond to prayers and thoughts of love. The more you think about angels, the more you call them into your life. It is good to remember that where intention goes energy will flow. Begin to put your attention on angels and they will begin to appear in your life.
There is a sentiment that angels sometimes do not hear you and therefore they do not always help when things go wrong. This is not the case, if we ask for help an angel will always respond. They see the obstacles and will answer the questions which are asked in the right way. For example, asking Angels bring wealth is very vague. Instead ask “Show me what I need to do to create financial freedom” and they will lead the way. Know that it is an angels role to help you and that it is your divine right to ask for that help.
If you’re feeling upset or depressed, call upon the angels and ask them to help change the vibration of the emotion bringing you down.
All energies from the Angelic Kingdom are of the highest vibrational of light. There are no beings in the Angelic Kingdom that are not of light. The Angelic Kingdom has always been here to serve the highest good as they are an extension of the divine source. The creation energy / divine source is the highest vibration in the known universe.
You as a human have the power to create whatever you desire. The Angelic Kingdom does not have that ability. They are limited in their immortality, they do not have emotions and a pure beings of love and therefore darkness will not invade their consciousness as they do not have free will.
Angels do not want or need to be thanked but it is important to thank them as it acknowledges their presence and all they do for us. Gratitude will always raise your vibration and bring blessings into your life. With gratitude you acknowledge the possibilities around you.
The common thinking is that there are four Archangels, but the reality is there are seven. There are four main archangels. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Ariel (Uriel)
Archangel Michael “he who is like god.”
Michael serves in the First Blue Ray and is our Protector and our strength.
Archangel Jophiel “beauty of God”
Jophiel serves in the Second Yellow Ray. She is our illumination and our Wisdom.
Archangel Chamuel “he who seeks god”
Chamuel serves in the Third Pink Ray and lights up our way to god and unconditional Love.
Archangel Gabriel “God is my strength”
Gabriel serves in the Fourth White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and Purity.
Archangel Raphael “God heals”
Raphael serves in the Fifth Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing and Truth.
Archangel Ariel (Uriel) “The fire of God”
Ariel serves on the Sixth Golden Ray which is the Ray of Peace.
Archangel Zadkiel “The righteousness of God”
Zadkiel serves in the Seventh Violet Ray which is the Ray of Freedom.
There are many ways you can hear the angels. For example:
· When you wake, you hear your name being called.
· You hear a beautiful sounding music on the radio.
· In your head or on the radio, you hear a song repeatedly.
· You hear a loud ringing noise in one ear, with no medical reason.
· A stranger’s words or conversation says the exact thing that you need to hear.
· You turn on the TV/radio at same moment you hear words that you needed at that moment.
· You pick up on someone's need for help, and you find out they did need help.
· A voice gives you a warning or a life-enhancing message.
· You’re looking for a lost item, you ask the angels to help, you find what you are looking for.
There are many ways you can feel the angels. For example:
· When no one is around you feel warmth like you've received a loving hug.
· A feeling of being safe, even if you are in danger
· Seeing an indent in the couch or bed, as if someone has just sat next to you
· Feeling the air or temperature change around you suddenly
· Feeling like someone is touching your head, hair, or shoulders gently
· Having a consistent gut feelings to make a positive life change
Angels have a remarkably high vibration and it may take a while to attune yourself to this high vibration naturally but be patient!
Common blocks from connecting with angels and getting angelic guidance are as follows:
We can all talk to our angels, however some people may find this easier than others. They can feel, hear, or sense the presence of your guardian angel whenever you call upon them? The below steps may help you create stronger connections to the angelic realm.
1) Learn to breathe: Breathing is the most important thing you can do for your health physically, spiritually, and mentally. Deep breathing even if you have not practiced meditation is easy to learn. As you breathe well you will become relaxed, calm and still. Through learning to breathe we connect easily with angels as thee connections are made in the space between the breathes.
2) Grounding yourself: Sit in a comfortable position and imagine your body becoming heavier. As you relax focus on your breathing. Breathe for a few minutes and then visualize roots growing from your legs moving down into the earth. Your legs become one with the earth. Now center your focus on the area called the hara, just below your naval.
3) Trust and believe the angels love and support you, regardless of whether you can see, feel or hear them. In time and with practice, you will be connecting with them as often as need.
4) Why are you connecting with angels. Ask yourself why you want to connect with angels, and with which issue or project in your life you would like help. Be very clear, as your thoughts and intentions create the energy that supports your connection.
5) Creating a sacred space: Although angels are always around, feeling angels in a space where you have cleansed the energy is important for strong connections to be made. Creating a peaceful and harmonious environment of your own in which to welcome them will allow for a strong connection. Playing soft gentle music, lighting a candle and incense burning all helps create the ambiance for angelic connection.
6) Statues and shrines: Keep angelic statues, relics, and pictures around your space. Gather your favourite angelic items that symbolise a connection to the angel realm. For example, a carved quartz crystal, a porcelain angel, fresh flowers, angel drawings, pictures, or wording. Keeping these around keeps the thought of angels ever present in your conscious mind strengthening your connection to the angels.
7) Purify your space: for beginner’s smudge or spray your space. For those who can visualise and cleanse your space using white light entering your head through the crown chakra, then filtering down through every cell of your body, cleansing and purifying any negativity you’re holding and then cleansing the space around you.
8) Angel prayers: Find an inspirational prayer to say to speak to the angels. This is important as it sets the sacred and loving vibration tone to your voice and creates a deeper connection to them. It is important to speak the angel prayer out loud as this will increase the vibration of the energy around you.
9) Call the angels: By calling the angels to be with you for whatever reason and however you need you will find that in time they show you their presence in a way that is unique to you, such as a physical sensation, sound, sign, image or audible words.
10) Develop gratitude: Connections with angels are a two-way channel and being thankful towards the angels helps maintain your side of the connection. Thanking them for their presence, and for what they have done for you already helps to create gratitude.
Angel Therapy is an alternative healing method which involves working with angels to heal. Someone who is attuned to the angels can connect with the angels and work with them to heal the human body, mind and spirit. Angel therapy or Healing, harmonizes the connection with the divine and can give clear guidance in many areas of your life.
As angels are here to help us and a conduit of divine energy, they are often used to send healing, help and support to people. It is important to understand that we need to allow ourselves to be healed or helped by the angels as we have free will to be able to choose to accept the energy and healing or not. Angels fill our days with love and light. They watch over us while we sleep at night, while we work during the day or while we play. They are always around us and only a thought away when we need them.
How do we thank the angels?
Whether it is a verbal thank you, a quiet thank you, or a realization of a blessing that has come into your life it does not matter. The angels will hear your unconscious thoughts.
Do each one of us have a one guardian angel?
There is often more than one presence around you at any one time. Angels share roles and therefore you do not have one angel allocated to you and your protection for your whole life. Angels can be everywhere and anywhere at once therefore the presence of angels in your life are a constant.
Can someone who has passed away become your guardian angels?
No. A human can never be an angel. Sometimes when people die, they take on roles in the other realm as guides to the living but this is not the same thing. Guardian angels and guides are different although sometimes their roles are intertwined.
As guides they are there to support, help and love yo but they are going to do it from the human soul form. Your form can not change once you die but your vibration does.
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