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Astrology is the study of the effect cosmic objects like stars, planets, moons and the sun have on our lives. The position of these cosmic objects at the time of a person’s birth is said to have a strong influence on their personality and destiny.
What most people think of when we talk about astrology is “zodiac star sign”.This is a form of astrology which can be seen in newspapers and magazines. Each sign refers to one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. In its simplest form the astrology here uses someone’s date of birth to determine their sign. Such a simplistic form of astrology has limited accuracy. A more detailed astrological chart which checks to see what sign each planet was in at the time of birth and uses other data such as ruling elements can highlight specific personality traits, compatibilities and future prospects.
There are multiple theories and practices of astrology. Throughout the world ancient cultures have used astrology but these days these ancient traditions have evolved to become modern day practices like Chinese, Vedic, Western and Tibetan astrology.
The ancients believed that in the beginning the Sky and the earth were one. The earth was then split from the sky and if you understood the sky you would understand earth and vice versa. With this belief the Sumerians connected celestial events to what was happening on earth and astrology began to develop in ancient Sumeria. Astrological messages where intended to give humans direction to choose the right path in their lives for happiness. The messages were deciphered by priests, astrologers and astronomers. They studied these changes carefully for centuries and astrology became part of their belief system observing the slightest movements and changes in characteristics of the stars .
Over time what happened on earth would be dependent on the planets and they became symbolic with the gods they worshipped for eons. This tradition of planets becoming gods or their messengers was a tradition that was upheld through many civilizations and gave birth to the modern name for planets in our solar system. Jupiter was named after the Roman king of God’s. Jupiter is so majestic that humans also turned its moons into God’s, Europa, Ganymede and Calisto. Venus is the first star seen in the night and the last star to disappear in the morning, the Goddess of beauty and love is Venus. Mercury, or Hermes for the Greek, was the messenger of the gods and the symbol of communication.
Is Astrology a Science?
Astrology sits in the classification of metaphysics. Metaphysics is the study of what is beyond the physical and is similar to ancient theories like acupuncture, yoga and Reiki. Although astrology is not a science it has been called the “Mother of all Sciences” because of its ancient past and roots in early sciences.
Where Should I start with Astrology?
Most people are familiar with their sun sign. This has become the basic foundation of astrology in western society. Starting here and understanding what your sun sign is can give you huge insight into your own personal attributes. Once you understand your sun sign you can fill in more details of your attributes and personality characteristics by looking at your ascendant, your Chinese astrology sign, your element, your house and your ruling planet.
Understanding your birth chart
Astrology can seem complicated at first as it involves so many different kinds of knowledge. Simply explained there are three parts to any birth chart. Planets, signs and house. These parts blend to create a deeper sense of your personality and detail what is in store for you in your life. Once you learn about the planets, signs and houses its time to look at aspects. Aspects are measured by mathematical angles. There are seven major aspects that astrologers look at.
The birth chart or horoscope is a map of the stars at the precise moment we are born considering our place of our birth. The birth chart is based on the principle that whatever is born in a moment of time possesses the qualities of that moment of time. It can be described as our astrological painting representing the human psyche and our potential. It is like our own personal mandala, symbol of our highest potential.
Astrology Types
Although there are varying types of astrology, modern astrology is placed under western astrology and eastern or Chinese astrology is placed under the Vedic banner.
Vedic Astrology was first introduced back in 1500 BCE as it was revealed by great philosophers at the time. Amongst these Maharishi Parashara turned out to be the most influential of the time. Vedic Astrology produced the Brihat Hora Sastra text which has been translated many times and is still referred to in modern day.
Chinese Astrology is perhaps the one that has gained the most popularity and has 12 animal signs that change place every year in a loop. These animals were in the end chosen because of their importance in the Chinese culture as well as the Chinese household. In order, these animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. It is important to note that in Chinese culture Chinese astrology is not used alone. The people of China also use palmistry, face characteristics and iridology.
Western astrology incorporates the sun and changes its zodiac sign every month.
The Astrology Planets
The terms ‘planets’ has a slightly different meaning when used in astrology. Used in Astrology ‘planets’ encompasses the planets in our solar system and the celestial bodies involved including the sun and moon acting as two lights in someone’s natal chart. Often forgotten asteroids, comets and dwarf planets need to be taken into account when drawing up someone’s natal chart. In western astrology the planets play the most important role with each one ruling over two or three zodiac signs. With the planets constantly in motion it is fair to say that the birth of each person will have a unique natal chart. When it comes to decision making some people are ruled by what alignment is occurring with the planets that would best suit their desired outcomes.
Planetary Dignities
It is important to also understand what planetary dignities are when expanding on basic astrology. Planetary dignities relates to the planet itself instead of the effect it might have on an individual and specifically it reveals how much energy a planet might be harbouring. For example, the energy of Venus may determine whether the day of a Scorpio person may be sad or happy. The amount of energy the planet holds is otherwise known as how much dignity it has.
Five Essential Dignities
· Domicile (Rule) and Detriment
· Exaltation and Fall
· Triplicity
· Terms
· Face
If a planet is without any of these it is called a peregrine planet and is considered maleficent. In modern astrology we mostly rely on the first two dignities and sometimes the third. Anyone who gives an astrology reading has the task to learn which signs and points in the zodiac give strength to certain planets and which take their energy away and give the best advice on when to act and when to wait when challenges arise.
The Planets
Psychological Urges & Needs or Aspects of the Personality – The Actors
THE SUN - Creative potential, Personal Identity – the urge to create and to be
THE MOON – The Past, Nurturing, Receptivity – the urge to nurture, respond and feel
MERCURY – Thinking, Analysing, Networking – the urge to know, to think and to communicate
VENUS – Relating, Love and Beauty, Sense of Values – the urge to love, appreciate and relate
MARS – Energy, Aspiration, Motivation, Sexuality – the urge to act and motivate
JUPITER – Expanding, Philosophising, Searching for Meaning – the urge for growth and meaning
SATURN – Boundaries, Limitations, Concretisation – the urge to build structure and stability
CHIRON – Healing, Integrating, Wholemaking, Teaching, Mentoring – the urge to be healed, to heal, teach and mentor others
URANUS – Collective Mind, Illumination, Awakening – the humanitarian urge
NEPTUNE – Collective Feeling, Universal Love, Imagining – the spiritual urge and the need for unity
PLUTO – Transformation, Purpose, Regeneration – the urge for evolutionary growth
NORTH NODE – The Path of Future Growth
THE SUN – SOUTH NODE – The Past, Karma, Inherited Potential
The Four Elements in Astrology
The four elements are also linked to the zodiac. Each zodiac sign in astrology is directly linked to one of the four elements that form the basis of nature. These elements are earth, fire, water and air. All of the zodiac signs draw themselves from the sun, it goes to show how important the sun, and subsequently fire is as one of the four elements that make up the earth. All elements depend on each other for survival.
Air Element
Air is the breath of life! It is our primary means of survival and without it life can not be sustained. On first impressions air people can look weak or naïve especially in front of fire people who embody great energy or earth people who are careful planners. Air people are very open-minded and look at things with a fresh perspective. The air element helps one learn the deeper meaning of life by being open to all kinds of ideas where others might draw a line. Air element is associated with autumn and the air element is linked to Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They are curious, have initiative, are original, generally are well disciplined and are quick thinkers. The Air signs have a mental nature and are keen witted. They rationalize by thinking things out rather than being influenced by emotional or physical factors.
The air sign easy communicators and have easy going personalities. Air signs are mentally inclined people. They actively acquire knowledge through experience, education and association. Air signs are confident but tend to judge themselves very harshly. The Air personality is very good at making decisions. Air personalities set high standards when it comes to hygiene, appearance, education, performance and family and almost as ego orientated as fire signs. Air signs will often carry a grudge and are quick to express their opinion. The gemini sign can be the most volatile of the three and will often snap and express their anger.
Air Sign Summary - The path to Connection
Gem Stones: Imperial topaz, citrine, mica, pumice, aventurine, clear quartz, lepidolite.
Plants: Acacia, bergamot, clover, dandelion, lavender, lemongrass, mint, pine, anise, hops.
Direction: West
Season: Autumn
Colors: Blue, White, Yellow.
Time: Dawn
Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter
Elemental: Sylphs
Angel: Michael
Sense: Smell
Time of life: Childhood
Polarity: Masculine
Hermetic Axiom: “to will”
Fire Element
The Fire sign represents strength, force, courage, desire, initiative, fertility, passion, purification and rejuvenation. Fire lights the dark and creates warmth when we are cold. A positive fire person is strong, courageous, bold, dramatic and passionate in all areas of their life. It is an essential part of life bringing lots of energy wherever it goes. It is the element that focuses on the creation of self or personal identity. The fire element signs are known to bring joy, colour and spunk to the world. The saying “to light a fire under someone” highlights the influence a fire sign person can have on others.
Fire signs are without doubt the most active, self-motivated and high-spirited signs. Fire signs may be occasionally reckless or impatient, but they are bold and direct but not vicious. They yearn to express themselves and have an innocent, honest quality about them. They can be blunt and sometimes have a lack of self-control or a hasty nature, hungry for immediate gratification but they do not intend to burn you on purpose. The fire element is one of spontaneity, inspiration, intuition, and big passions.
Those people with planets in fire signs have an at-the-ready attitude as they search for things that keep them interested. Like fire itself, they can flare up when inspired, making them seem very passionate about life. They like to live large and often feel frustrated by mundane chores and duties. Fire signs are known to be intuitive and to rely on gut instincts. Going on faith in their inner guidance gets them far, but they tend to skip crucial steps or be unaware of the emotional impact of their actions.
When out of balance they can experience lack of joy and depression or be hyper and have an excess of joy in manic form. Agitation, nervous exhaustion, heartburn and insomnia are other indicators of imbalance in this area. Emotionally, when the fire element is balanced, sensitivity and expression, true fulfillment and the equilibrium between heart and mind are our greatest rewards.
Fire Sign Summary - The path of LOVE
Gem Stones: Amber, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Diamond, Ruby, Red Garnet, Red Jasper, Sardonyx, Red Tourmaline, Zircon, Emerald, Amethyst, , topaz, Tiger’s Eye, Turquoise, Citrine.
Plants: Poppy, fern, wild olive, pomegranate, Sunflowers, chamomile, lavender, almond, apple, chestnuts, soybeans
Direction: North
Season: Winter
Colors: Red, gold, yellow, orange
Time: Noon
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,
Planets: Sun, Mars
Elemental: Salamanders
Angel: Ariel
Sense: Sight
Time of life: Young Adult
Polarity: Masculine
Hermetic Axiom: “to dare”
Water Element
Water is the symbol we associate with emotions. It involves healing, compassion, compromise, friendship, de-stressing, vision, serenity, sleep, dreams, instinct, insight and psychic abilities, health and beauty. A positive person born under a water sign is sensitive, caring and nurturing. Sometimes they can be a little over emotional and over dramatic, mysterious and difficult to approach but if they are in good balance they are caring and kind with an ability to adapt to almost all situations.
Water signs will often help you get out of tough situations and bring peace to volatile situations. Water signs represent taste. They also represent one’s taste in general and one’s desire to taste or experience the world. Therefore, when a water sign has excess water in their chart they often show signs of sensuality, possessiveness and greed. All life forms consist of water.
Water signs also tend to have good memories. Sometimes this can manifest as dwelling on the past. But the ultimate experience of water is remembering that we all share life as a common heritage. This manifests as peace, love and compassion. Water signs are submerged in their surroundings, often sensing the hidden emotional reality. They are attuned to waves of emotion, and often seem to have a built-in sonar for reading someone’s mood. This gives them a special sensitivity in relationships, knowing when to show warmth and when to hold back.
At their best, water signs are a healing force that brings people together. At their worst, they are psychic vampires, able to manipulate and drain the life force of those closest to them without even realising it.
Water Element Summary - The path to peace
Gem Stones: Aquamarine, chalecdony, jade, pearl, lapis lazuli, moonstone, sugilite, amethyst, chrysocolla, rose quartz, coral.
Plants: lemon balm, daffodil, elder, gernaium, grape, hibiscus, jasmine, blackberry, thyme.
Direction: East
Season: Spring
Colors: Blue, Green, Turquoise.
Time: Twilight
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Planets: Moon and Venus
Elemental: Undines (Mermaids and Mermen)
Angel: Raphael
Sense: Taste
Time of life: Maturity
Polarity: Feminine
Hermetic Axiom: “to keep silent”
Earth Element
Earth signs are known to keep it real. They are grounded and keep the rest of us down to earth. When they are balanced, they are practical and loyal. When they are out of balance, they are materialistic and solely focused on the surface of things. Earth signs represent traits of sensations, patience, stability, strength, health, grounding, and centering of energies, harmony, abundance, wealth, business accomplishments, strength, kindness, compassion and comfort. Earth energy is the source of life and provider of all our needs. Earth signs are nurturing with an inbuilt survival instinct.
Earth signs are considered disciplined, pre-meditative, predictable, reliable, accountable and methodical. They are grounded, savvy, practical and good at following regulations and procedures. Earth signs tend to follow what is socially acceptable in conduct, behaviour, and speech. They are prudent and have a deep regard for conventional rules of behaviour. Most earth signs are very business oriented.
When the earth sign is out of balance we can overthink and experience worry. Worry can consume your physical energy and create issues in areas like the spleen and stomach. When earth signs are functioning well they are master builders of anything they focus on. Earth signs are all about creating solid foundations. Sometimes earth signs are considered materialistic as they often try to accumulate and enjoy worldly possessions. When out of balance these signs can tend to become greedy and overly materialistic.
Earth signs when functioning well are very dependable, responsible and are those that tend to be there for you when others aren’t. They can often put themselves last and self-sacrifice to help others. Cautious and conservative earth signs are logical with many holding spiritual healing powers.
On the flip side, earth signs can sometimes get caught up in there objective thoughts and overlook their feelings of others with little changing their mind. Sometimes being more concerned with finishing rather than the journey earth signs certainly have their feet flat on the ground and their eyes on the prize. This extreme resilience for the sake of their mission at hand makes these people great leaders.
Earth Sign Summary - The path to SERVICE
Gem Stones: Moss agate, emerald, jet, salt, black tourmaline, agate, malachite, obsidian.
Plants: Corn, cypress, fern, wheat, barley, sage, magnolia, mugwort, patchouli, rye.
Direction: South
Season: Summer
Colors: Green, brown, yellow
Time: Midnight
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Planets: Saturn
Elemental: Gnomes
Angel: Gabriel, Uriel
Sense: Touch
Time of life: Death
Polarity: Feminine
Hermetic Axiom: “to know”
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