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Kinesiology is a non-invasive energetic healing modality that uses muscle testing to gather information about a person’s well-being. This form of healing originated in the 1970’s and therefore is fairly new but it is gaining in popularity globally as it can have amazing healing results.
Kinesiology combines western and eastern healing techniques that promote healing of the body, mind and spirit through balancing a person’s energy systems. It identifies the elements of the body which are limiting the natural flow of energy and unblocks these to allow the body to self-heal. Kinesiology is used by many healers like Chiropractor’s, acupressure specialists and Chinese medicine doctors.
When our energy bodies are functioning well, we feel well. Professional practitioners of Kinesiology study for years to train on how to gently access information about a person’s wellbeing and the movement of energy in their body. Once they learn this they are able to rebalance these energies by drawing on a range of tools and skills like tapping, massage, acupressure, flower essence therapy and counselling.
The key with kinesiology is not to treat the symptoms but to find the cause of the imbalance and clear it. These imbalances may be nutritional, emotional, structural, psychological, energetic or even spiritual. Sometimes it can be as simple as an ‘attitude’, or a forgotten memory that is causing the imbalance.
The principle of Kinesiology is is based on the idea that the body holds a natural energy and is always trying to heal itself. It recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate to every part of us including our organs, tissues, muscles and nerves that keep us alive. These energy’s can be tested to evaluate their function with muscle testing. This muscle testing method will reflect the body’s overall state of balance and where repair is needed.
The answer to what is happening is always inside you. Our body through muscle testing gives a natural feedback on where the problems lie. These messages are sent via the nerves and meridian systems of the brain and body. By bypassing the conscious mind muscle testing identifies and isolates how someone’s behaviours, emotions and psychological influences in their subconscious mind are affecting them. It then determines what is the best way of clearing this.
The finding may present as physical pain, mental discomfort or dis-ease. For example, they can include allergies, depression, stress, headaches, digestive issues and fatigue to name a few. These blockages prevent smooth energy transmission and thus the bio-systems are affected resulting in changes of energy flows within the body. Muscle memory testing involves challenging the feedback the body is sending in the muscles to reveal where the imbalances lie.
* Enhances your performance in every aspect of your life.
* Can boost learning for adults and children.
* Helps you determine what is triggering sensitivities like food or cosmetic allergies.
* Allows you to identify and correct various imbalances that relate to nutrition, learning problems,
injuries, stress, nutrition, and issues you face in your life.
* Identify stresses and imbalances in the physical body.
* Makes you make positive changes to improve health.
* Supports you in making financial decisions that will benefit your future.
* Aids you in communicating better with yourself.
* Accesses information not available to the conscious mind.
Muscle testing is not difficult and anyone can learn to muscle test and use it for personal needs.
There are three primary ways to self-muscle test.
1. Whole Body Testing
2. Two handed Testing
3. One Handed Testing
This is the best and easiest way to learn as the results are very obvious. When you become confident using this method and trust that you are getting the correct answers you can move on to the next method.
Start by simply standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Relax your body and make sure your knees are not locked into place. With shoulders and head tall take three slow deep breaths and try to clear your mind. Feel the energy from the earth grounding you as they are planted solidly on the ground.
To test how your body responds at first ask a series of questions which you know the answer to. For example is my name ….? Do I live in ….? Am I right handed? A yes answer will make your body sway forward slightly and a no will make your body sway backwards slightly. To test ask a question that will have a no answer also. Like, am I six months old?
Assess what your body does when you ask these questions. Once you are confident that you are getting the correct answers to the obvious questions you can ask other questions you may not know the answer too. Responses will vary if you are asking questions that are too much focused on personal gain. For example, Will I win tattslotto this week if I play? Try to focus on questions that will help you work on your wellbeing.
It is not always practical to whole body test therefore testing using your hands may be a better option as it is more discreet.
Start with your writing hand as this is your controlling hand. Place your thumb and index finger together.
With your other hand place your thumb and ring finger together. This is the hand that will be testing the electrical responses with.
Again while learning use obvious questions to gain a response you know if either true or false.
To muscle test place the writing fingers that you’ve made a circle with into the circle loop you have created on the opposite hand with thumb touching ring finger. Just try and keep a light connection with your fingers on each hand without forcing them closed.
When you ask a question you can push slightly apart with your dominant fingers. Again to see what is yes or no ask the obvious questions. See if your ring finger and thumb pull apart or stay closed for each response. This should help you determine what is yes and what is no for you.
Be sure that the pressure holding the fingers together on both sides is even. This method can be difficult to do for beginners as we tend to want to control the pressure holding the fingers together and unintentionally sway the response.
You can use either hand for this exercise. Extend your fingers on one hand, hold in mind the question, then test by pushing down on one finger by using another finger on the same hand.
I like to use my middle finger to push down on my index finger. You will see a slight movement of your index finger either up or down when testing. Again, test to see if up is yes and down is no by asking obvious questions.
Remember the concept behind Kinesiology is that we are using what enhances our body, mind and spirit will make us stronger. When synergy and healthy flow of energy is achieved our body, mind and spirit creates an vessel that is balanced and strong. Challenges first register in the electrical system of the body and muscle testing is an easy way to determine what is happening in our subconscious.
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